Saturday, January 27, 2007

10 Years to live!

10 Years to live!!! Orang-utan faces extinction in the wild!!

The great ape's is rapidly being destroyed- by the rush to produce an environmentally friendly fuel.

(Not in the five categoies but still of interst)

At least 1,000 orang-utans have been killed in forest fires of Indonesia.
The orangutan are so endangered that experts believe they will become extinct in the next 10 years. Some 50,000 of them still survive but it is believed that 5,000 will go every year for the next 10 years.

Originally 300,000 apes lived in South-East Asia. But now they exist only in the pockets of Borneo and and Sumatra. In the last 20 years, 80 percent of their habitat has been desrtoyed, and only abou 2 percent of whta remains is protected in reserves.

Source: Independant news paper 17 December 2006

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